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Find out more about CNC Machining


CNC lathes working with computer support
There are two axes based on the bilinmektedir.CNC bench lathe. this
axes of the cutter that allows the progress of the longitudinal Z-axis of the workpiece
X axis of the cutter diameter, and that progression. Processing capabilities
more in the next C-axis CNC machines X and Z axes
are also available. C-axis on a lathe parts
Milling operations are made.

The C axis of the workpiece, at 0 ° - 30 ° - 45 ° - 60 ° - 90 ° positions
can. The working principle is like hog head upright. C-axis
Milling cutters are used as counter around its own axis
spins. The workpiece is fixed to the desired angle in this case. cutting
the desired angle with a certain speed and feed the work piece. A machine tool
without the need of just turning lathe and milling machining center
Transactions can be completed by machine tools. Both time and labor
The manufacture of the part were savings can be made.

Gâhında thesis is the following business and operations of CNC lathes.
�Cylindrical turning,
�Profile turning,
�Switch on channel,
�Screw on,
�Guided screw opening,
�Hole enlargement,
�Grooving in the hole,
�The forehead of the track groove,
�Caterpillar opening
�Arcing and chamfering operations, and so on.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018 15:07


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